Fellowship (FCAcad)
The Academy Fellowship is an international-level distinction reserved for scholars who have achieved the highest levels of scholarship throughout their careers. Our fellows come from diverse cultures, nationalities, intellectual disciplines and professions worldwide. They were selected for their eminence in their respective fields, which include the natural sciences, engineering and technology, mathematics and the formal sciences, the social sciences, and humanities and the arts, and particularly for their original contributions to the advancement of knowledge and sciences.
Fellowship in the Academy is by invitation only - candidates should pass a rigorous peer review selection process conducted by both divisional fellows, academic committee members, and executive board examiner to become officially elected. Please visit the nomination page for further information.
The Fellowship of the Academy is considered an internationally recognized honor for a scholar. Elected fellows hold permanent membership.
Fellows of the Academy are entitled to the following rights and benefits:
1. Introducing themselves as fellows of the Academy.
2. A special grant to permanently offset the annual membership subscription fee.
3. Nominating other individuals for Academy fellowship.
4. Eligibility to stand for election to Academy committees and other service roles.
5. Engaging in a vast variety of activities with or on behalf of the Academy including education, scientific research, entrepreneurship and public engagement.
6. A discount for utilizing the Academy’s services.
7. Receiving support from the organization in their academic and professional careers (e.g. "Opportunity to employ Core Academy platforms to expand external cooperation opportunities to transform intellectual and scientific achievements to social or economic driving force" and "Advance Invitation to relevant activities").
Fellows of the Academy are expected to assume the following responsibilities:
1. Actively contributing to the Academy’s development and objectives (e.g. "Advising the Academy on relevant academic affairs" and "Sharing your news and academic findings with the Academy").
2. Dedication to the Academy’s mission and objectives to advance knowledge, research and sciences for the benefit of humanity.
3. Showing commitment to academic excellence and supporting the highest possible standards in research, education, and academia.
Ordinary Fellowship Certificate
Successfully elected fellows will receive an official paper certificate issued by the Academy.

Fellows are expected to receive their certificate in person at our reception office or by participating in relevant activities. The secretariat will scan and upload the certificate for fellows The executive staff might be able to send the certificate to international addresses based on an official application.
Member's Login Credential
All fellows will be informed by the Secretariat of their login credentials to the member's login page through their corresponding email. Fellows are able to submit their Fellowship Nomination Letter, Application to committee members and other services and other documents to the organization, and also receive official invitations from the Academy.
(If you did not receive your login credentials or forget your login password, please contact secretariat@coreacad.org for help)
Other items, such as golden pin badges and prize certificates, would be granted to fellows depending on different circumstances.