

The Core Academy implements a nomination and peer-review selection process to elect its fellows. The fellowship is by invitation only.

Invitations are extended as a result of the following process

(1) a candidate is successfully nominated by an existing fellow or recommended by Academic Committee members with the support of an existing fellow; 

(2) his/her academic records are reviewed and approved by two peers (existing fellows) in the first review process; 

(3) the Academic Committee evaluates and confirms the individual’s scholarship and eminence in their field; 

(4) the candidate is elected by a majority vote of the relevant members of the Academic Committee;

(5) the candidate is confirmed by the Executive Board.

Start a nomination

All existing fellows may download the nomination letter and submit their nomination letter to the Academic Council at

Fellowship Nomination Letter.docx

There is no limitation on the number of nominations a nominator can submit, and nominators can submit candidates to all divisions or disciplines.

Special Nomination Process

In certain instances, existing fellows and members might propose candidates for the Academic Committee and Executive Board to consider for a possible nomination for a special membership or fellowship. Please visit: Special Nomination