Special Nomination

Special Nomination Process

In certain instances, existing fellows and members might propose candidates for the Academic Committee and Executive Board to consider for a possible nomination for a fellowship or special membership.

The following types of candidates could be considered:

1.      Scholars who have previously made significant intellectual contributions but who are no longer active in academia.

2.      Scholars who have made noteworthy contributions to the administration of education and scholarship, the advancement of pioneering research and learning environments, or science policy.

3.      Scholars who, due to a change of professional direction at some point, may have moved away from research-focused roles for administrative, political, or other distinguished roles closely related to education and research, a situation which may have otherwise led them to be overlooked.

4.      Eminent individuals who have gained international recognition for their outstanding contributions to the advancement of knowledge, generally through cultural works or social contributions, which may be difficult to quantitatively assess but that have substantial scholarly merit (this type of candidate particularly refers to those experts worked in the fields of humanities and arts, public governance, educational administration, applied technology, and interdisciplinary studies).

Special candidates will not be subject to the ordinary fellowship selection process. They should be individuals who, through their association with the Academy, will bring it added prestige and benefits in addition to those typically associated with the highest levels of international scholarship.

All such candidates shall be nominated through the standard nomination procedure with special notifications. The special candidacies will be assessed by the Academic Committee and Advisory Committee before the Executive Board makes a final decision on the candidates’ suitability for selection.

To start such a nomination, please follow the normal procedure of submitting your nomination letter to the Academic Committee (academic@coreacad.org) and compose a brief letter with a specific explanation.