Member of CORE Academy
Shavkat Ayupov
Division of Mathematics and Information Sciences
  • mathematician

Director of the V. I. Romanovskiy Institute of Mathematics of the Uzbekistan Academy of Sciences; Member of the Uzbekistan Academy of Sciences; Member of the World Academy of Sciences; Honored Scientist of the Republic of Uzbekistan


Membership Number: FCA2307

Membership Type: Fellowship

Division: Mathematics and Information Sciences

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Present and Previous Positions

2020- —— Member of the Senate of Uzbekistan Parliament

2017- —— Director of the  V. I. Romanovskiy Institute of Mathematics of  the Uzbekistan Academy of Sciences   

1988- —— Head of Algebra and Analysis Dept. in the Institute of Mathematics.

1983-  —— Full professor, Mathematics Department, Tashkent  State University. Taught courses in Functional Analysis, Operator Algebras, and Abstract algebra, for students and researchers in mathematics.

2012- 2016 —— Director of the Institute of  Mathematics, National University of Uzbekistan                            

2006-2012 —— Director of the Institute of Mathematics and Information Technologies of  the Uzbekistan Academy of Sciences

2004-2006 —— Director of the  Institute of Mathematics of  the Uzbekistan Academy of Sciences

2003-2004 —— Deputy Minister of Higher and Secondary Specialized Education of the Republic of Uzbekistan

1997-2003 —— Chairman of the Supreme Attestation Commission of the      Republic of   Uzbekistan

1992-1997 —— Director, Institute of Mathematics of the Uzbekistan Academy of Sciences

1986-1992 —— Deputy Director, Institute of Mathematics

1979-1985 —— Senior researcher in the Institute of Mathematics

1977-1983 —— Assistant Professor, Mathematics department, Tashkent State  University. Taught courses in Analysis, Topology, and Functional Analysis for students specializing in Mathematics

Fields of Scholarship and Research Interests

Doctor of Sciences in Physics and Mathematics. The thesis was defended at the Institute of Mathematics of the Uzbekistan Academy of Sciences on June 12, 1983. Thesis title: “Classification, Representation and Probabilistic Aspects of Ordered Jordan Algebras”. 

Ph.D. in Physics and Mathematics. Thesis defended at Tashkent State University in June 1977. Thesis title: “Tychonov Rings, their Homorphisms and Modules”.

The field of interests:  Functional analysis, Algebra and Topology.   

 The main research deals with:

     Operator algebras, Jordan and Lie structures on von Neumann algebras,

Noncommutative integration theory and Quantum Probability.

Jordan algebras of self-adjoint operators and Jordan Banach algebras.

Theory of ordered Jordan algebras.

Structure of derivations and automorphisms on Operator algebras.  applications in Quantum dynamics.

Structure theory of Leibniz algebras and Superalgebras and other non-associative algebras.

Local derivations and automorphisms of operator algebras and non-associative algebras.

Honors, Awards and Other Membership

1995 - Member of the Uzbekistan Academy of Sciences since 1995

1977 - Award of the Uzbekistan Academy of Sciences for Young Scientists

1980 -   Member of the American Mathematical Society


1986  - USSR Award for Young Scientist


1989 -  Corresponding Member of the Uzbekistan Academy of Sciences


1995 - Member of the Uzbekistan Academy of Sciences since 1995


2003 - Member of TWAS (The World Academy of Sciences )


2004 - Editor-in-chief of the “Uzbek Mathematical Journal”


2008-2013 - Senior Associate of the International Centre for Theoretical      Physics (ICTP),


2008-2021 - Guest Professor of Sichuan University (Chengdu, China) .


2010 -  Deputy Editor of «International Journal of Management Science and Engineering Management» (World Academic Press, UK).


2011 -  awarded the title “Honored Scientist of the Republic of Uzbekistan”


2017 - awarded the Uzbekistan State Prize of the first degree in the field of science and technology


2020 - By decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, he was appointed a member of the Senate of the Parliament of the Republic of Uzbekistan.


2021 - By decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Sh. A. Ayupov was awarded the title “Uzbekiston Qakhramoni” (Hero of Uzbekistan) and was awarded the highest sign - the medal “Oltin Yulduz” (Gold Star).


2022 -  Editor of the international journal «Advances in Operator Theory»

Selected Publications


1. Ordered Algebras. Tashkent: Fan, 1983, 304 pages (T.A. Sarymsakov e.a. coauthors)

2. Classification and Representations of Ordered Jordan algebras   Tashkent: Fan, 1986, 124 p.

3. Jordan, Real and Lie Structures in Operator Algebras   Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dodrecht-Boston-London, 1997. Math. and Its Appl. v. 418, 225p. (A. Rakhimov, Sh. Usmanov coauthors).

4. Real W*-algebras, Actions of groups and Index theory for real factors. (Monograph) VDM Publishers, 2010 (A.Rakhimov coauthor).

5. Sh.Ayupov, B.Omirov, I.Rakhimov, Leibniz Algebras. Structure and Classification. (Monograph) CRC Press, Taylor&Francis Group, 2019, 324p.

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