Sergey V. Ablameyko
Division of Engineering and Applied Sciences
  • Computer Scientist

Professor of Belarusian State University;IEEE Fellow; Academician of Russian Space Academy; Member of Academia Europaea; Academician of Belarusian Academy of Engineering; Academician of the Spanish Royal Academy of Economics and Finance


Membership Number: FCA2509

Membership Type: Fellowship

Division: Engineering and Applied Sciences

Corresponding Email:


"I feel very honored having been elected as a Fellow of the International Core Academy of Sciences and Humanities. It is more than 45 years I have worked in the area of computer vision and image analysis. Starting from the processing of binary images, now computer vision is a big and important part of Artificial Intelligence, processing all possible types of video and images. I am very happy that I could contribute in this important area by publishing dozens of books, and hundreds of papers and creating many practical systems that work in various industries and social spheres. Many of these results have been obtained inside international scientific groups. And now we work to get Artificial computer vision that will be very close to our human perception.”

Present and Previous Positions

Professor of Belarusian State University

1978-1985:  Institute of Engineering Cybernetics, Minsk, Belarus, Researcher

1986-1987:  Institute of Engineering Cybernetics, Minsk, Belarus, Senior Researcher

1987-1998   Institute of Engineering Cybernetics, Minsk, Belarus, Head of Image Processing and Recognition Laboratory

1998-2002:  Institute of Engineering Cybernetics, Minsk, Belarus, Deputy Director

2002-2008   United Institute of Informatics Problems (UIIP) (former IEC), Minsk, Belarus, Director General

2008- 2017  Belarusian State University (BSU), Rector (Vice-Chancellor)


1988-1994   Dept. of Applied Mathematics, State University, Minsk, Belarus, Full Professor (part-time)

1994- 2003  Dept. of Computers and Networks, State University of Informatics and Radioelectronics, Minsk, Belarus, Full Professor (part-time)

2003- 2017  Dept. of Applied Mathematics, State University, Minsk, Belarus, Full Professor (part-time)

2008-now    United Institute of Informatics Problems (UIIP), Minsk, Belarus, Chief Scientist (part-time)

Leadership Responsibility

- Leader of several international projects in image analysis and GIS funded by the European Commission through Programs COPERNICUS, INTAS, ISTC, 6th and 7th Framework Program, and international projects with organizations from Russia, Ukraine, India, and China.

- Leader of several National Programs and projects in Informatics, Image Processing.

- Scientific leader of Russian-Belarusian joint Programs in Space, Supercomputers, and GRID technologies (each Program has a budget of more than 10 mln US$) in 2002-2010.

- Under his supervision, 12 PhD dissertations and 4 DSc dissertations have been prepared and defended.

- He was a General Director of the United Institute of Informatics Problems of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus (2002-2008).

- He was a Rector (President) of Belarusian State University (2008-2017). 

Fields of Scholarship and Research Interests

Computer Vision and Image Analysis;AI


Honors, Awards and Other Membership

- "A.S. Popov" Award, USSR Scientific-Engineering Society, 1990

- Best Young Scientist National Award (Komsomol Premium), Belarus, 1990

- Best book award in mathematics, physics and informatics from Belarusian Academy of Sciences, 1998

- State Prize of Belarus (highest national scientific award), 2002

- Norbert Wiener Bronze medal of International Academy of Information Processes and Technologies (Moscow, Russia), 2003

- Medal of the Russian Space Agency “For contribution in international cooperation in space” (Moscow, Russia), 2004

- Medal of Belarus-Russia Union State, 2006

- Medal of the Russian Space Federation named after Yu.Gagarin, 2007

- Belarus State Medal named after F.Skoryna, 2007

- Award of the Belarus National Academy of Sciences for the best scientific work, 2007

- Medal of the Russian Space Federation named after G.Titov, 2008

- Medal “80 years of Belarus National Academy of Sciences”, 2009

- Medal of the Russian Space Agency “For achievements in space”, 2009

- Friendship Award of Russian Federation, 2009.

- Medal of Russian Interdisciplinary Society “For achievements in education”, 2009.

- Award of the Russian Academy of Sciences - National Academy of Sciences for the best scientific work, 2009

- Medal "To 65th anniversary  of Belarusian release", (2010);

- Medal of Union State "For cooperation", (2010)

- Certificate of Merit of the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Belarus (2011);

- Certificate of merit of the State science and technology committee of the Republic of Belarus (2011);

- Certificate of the CIS Executive Committee (2011);

- Breastplate of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Belarus «For service» (2011);

- Breastplate of the State Border Committee of the Republic of Belarus «For assisting the  border services» (2011);

- K. Turovski Award of the Belarusian orthodox church (2011)

- Medal of Hanban Confucius Institutes Administration, China (2013)

- Medal of Eurasian University Association, Russia (2013)

- Medal Of the military space forces of the Russian Federation «for outstanding contribution to the development of cosmonautics. Ninety years since the birth of A. A. Maximov » (2013).

- Medal of the Russian Space Federation named after S.Korolev (2014)

- Award of the Russian Space Federation named after K.Tziolkovsky (2015)

- Honorary diploma of the Administration of the President of the Republic of Belarus (2016).

- Honorary diploma of the National Parliament of the Republic of Belarus (2016).

- Honorary diploma of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus (2016).

- Honorary diploma of the Belarusian Republican Foundation for Fundamental Research (2016).

- Honorary diploma of the Minsk Сity Executive Committee (2016).

- Medal of the Belarusian Trade Union of workers of education and science (2016).

- Prize of the Belarusian State University in science and education named A. N. Sevchenko (2016).

- Medal of the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Belarus » For contribution to the development of culture of Belarus» (2016)

- Honorary diploma of Higher Attestation Commission (2016).

- Order of the Orthodox Church of the Holy Princess Sofia of Slutsk (2016).

- Honorary diploma of the National Olympic Committee (2016).

- Honorary diploma of the State Committee on Science and technology of the Republic of Belarus (2016).

- Medal «For great contribution to literature» of the Union of Writers of Belarus (2016).

- Gold medal «For great contribution to the development of science» of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus (2016).

- Belarus State Award “For outstanding achievements in science” (2017)

- Medal of the Russian Space Federation “For merits” (2017)

- Friendship Award of Zhejiang Province of China (2018)

- Medal “90 years of National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Belarus” (2018)

- Honorary Diploma of Ministry of Internal Affairs of Belarus (2019).

- V.M.Ignatovsky Medal of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus (2021)

- Medal "100th anniversary of BSU" (2021).

-Great medal of National Academy of Sciences of Belarus (2023).



  • IEE Fellow (UK) (1995)

  • IEEE Senior Member (USA) (1995)

· Academician of the International Academy of Information Processes and Technologies (1995)

· Academician of Belarusian Academy of Engineering (1995)

· Fellow of the International Association for Pattern Recognition (1998)

  • Academician of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus (2009)

  • Academician of the Spanish Royal Academy of Doctors (2009)

  • Academician of European Academy of Economy and Enterprise Management (2010)

  • Academician of Academia Europaea (2011)

  • Honorary professor of Grodno State University, Belarus (2012)

  • Academician of Russian Space Academy (2012)

  • Honorary professor of Dalian University of Technology, China (2013)

  • Honorary  professor of Moscow State University, Russia (2014)

  • Honorary professor of Binh Duong University, Vietnam (2014)

  • Academician of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences (2015)

  • Academician of the Spanish Royal Academy of Economics and Finance (2016)

  • Honorary professor of Belgrade Alfa BK University, Serbia (2016)

  • Honorary Dean of IT-Faculty of Binh Duong University, Vietnam (2018)

  • Emeritus Professor of Binh Duong University, Vietnam (2019)

  • Fellow of Asia-Pacific Artificial Intelligence Association (2021)

  • Honorary Professor of China University of Petroleum (East China) (2023)

  • Honorary Professor of Northwestern Polytechnical University (China) (2024)



1993- 2001: IEE Belarusian Centre, Chairman

1996- 1998  IEEE Computer Society Central and Eastern Europe Committee Member

1993- 2000       Belarusian Association for Artificial Intelligence, Vice-President

1992- now  Belarusian Association for Image Analysis and Recognition (IAPR National Member), President

1993- 2004     IAPR Governing Board Member

2002-2004      IAPR Chair of Membership Committee

1998-2003      IAPR Newsletters Area Editor

2004- 2006     IAPR Vice-President

2006- 2008     IAPR First Vice-President

2004-2018    Member of the Presidium of the National Academy of Sciences.

2004-2018  Member of the Belarus Government Council on Scientific and Technical Development.

2008-2017   Member of the Presidium of Belarus Council of University Rectors

2008 - now      Member of the BSU Academic Council

2017 - now      Member of Expert Council of State Committee of Science and Technology

2009- now      Chairman of BSU Council for conferring DSc and PhD degrees.

2003-2015 - Deputy Chairman of the National Space Committee of the Republic of Belarus

2010 – now - Chairman of the BSU Academic Council of awarding of PhD and DSc degrees

2008-2017 - Chairman of the BSU Scientific Council

2013-2017 - Vice-Chairman of Eurasian University Association

2021 – now Vice-President of Asia-Pacific Artificial Intelligence Association

Member of many scientific councils in the Republic of Belarus. 


Selected Publications