Membership Number: FCA2306
Membership Type: Fellowship
Division: Mathematics and Information Sciences
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Present and Previous Positions
Head of the Algebra Department of A.Razmadze Mathematical Institute, Professor of Tbilisi State University
1958-1961 - postgraduate student of A. Razmadze Mathematical Institute of the Georgian Academy of Sciences.
From 1961 - scientific member of A. Razmadze Mathematical Institute.
From 1966 - Candidate and from 1970 - doctor of physical and mathematical sciences, confirmed by Highest Certification Commission (VAK) in Moscow.
From 1983 - 2001 corresponding member and from 2001- full member of the Georgian Academy of Sciences.
1990-1997 - President of the Georgian National Mathematical Committee.
1990-1991 - deputy of the Parliament of Georgia.
Fields of Scholarship and Research Interests
Homological and homotopical algebra, K-theory, algebraic topology, category theory, non-commutative geometry.
Professor Inassaridze's major contribution:
Has initiated and developed a theory of derived functors and satellites of nonadditive functors with respect to projective classes and presheaves of categories with applications to (co)homology of algebraic systems and K-theory.
Has constructed the algebraic K-theory of normed algebras based on Quillen Q-construction and confirmed the Karoubi Conjecture on the isomorphism of algebraic and topological K-functors for a wide class of stable real or complex algebras and has proved the K-regularity property for Frechet algebras.
Has provided a theory of equivariant (co)homology of groups with applications in algebraic K-theory and equivariant cohomology of spaces.
Honors, Awards and Other Membership
Full member (Academician) of the Georgian Academy of Sciences
Awarded by AMS, ISF, INTAS, CRDF, CNRS, INTAS Georgia and FNRS grants, Razmadze Prize of the Georgian Academy of Sciences, International Kharizmi First Prize of Science and Technology. Awarded by Shota Rustaveli National Science Foundation grants.
Selected Publications
Other Information